Tribute to the Studio that saved me~

Personally for me, KyoAni has saved me countless times through their amazing series. I’m sure there many people out there, where KyoAni’s works have not only left an immense impact on theior lives, but have saved them as well~ While I may not be able to do much, I hope by sharing these few series everyone will be able to better appreciate the amazing work … Continue reading Tribute to the Studio that saved me~

A Day of Infamy; “9-11” of the Anime Industry

Today, the 18th of July 2019 will live as a dark day in the anime industry history books… In the local suburb of the prefecture, Kyoto lies the small town of Uji. It is this very town where the Legendary animation studio “Kyoto Animation” (aka KyoAni) has its studio’s located. That very tranquil morning was completely shattered when a fire broke out at KyoAni’s Studio … Continue reading A Day of Infamy; “9-11” of the Anime Industry