~About Me~

Probably like the most of you that happened to stumble upon this place, I too am an Otaku~

3 fun facts about me:
– I hail from the Little Red Dot nation~ (If you don’t know where that is, well…. Google-san is your best friend there πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ)
– I’m of mixed blood (50-50 of what though, hmmmm…. 🌚🌚)
– I used to detest anime (Yup, this comes as a shock to everyone that hears it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

A bit of background history:

Growing up as a socially awkward person, I did not have that many friends. Whenever I was lonely or feeling down, I would turn to anime to comfort me in my time of need. Over the years, anime has not only been my reliable “friend” that has always there for me, but also a guiding light through the perilous journey that is life itself. It is thanks to anime, that I am the person that I am today.

The purpose of this blog is, apart from providing my views on a certain series, is to make people more aware of how powerful anime can be.

Unlike other review sites though, I will never say a series is bad/horrendous/horrible etc.
I believe every series has a shining star in them, and its our job as a viewer to find that star and bring it out for the world to see as well. 🌟🌟

My ultimate goal is to be able to make someone that initially thinks “nah, not interested” to “I think I’ll give it a try”

With that, I like to share the joy that is anime to the world~ 🌍

While everyone may have their own opinion of a series, I do hope you’ll be able to see mine (and take it with a pinch of salt if needed) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰