🌅👓境界の彼方 (Kyoukai no Kanata)

境界の彼方 (Kyoukai no Kanata) – Beyond the Boundary


Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing “youmu”—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he’s an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase.

As the group’s bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches.”

Just a foreword: this article DOES NOT cover the two movies.

Despite being known for creating intense, and though-provoking series, Kyoto Animation does also make some run-of-the-mill series as well. While it would be rather rude to classify “Kyoukai no Kanata” as such a series, it isn’t exactly one of KyoAni’s top tier series as well. In itself, I find that a good thing as we can appreciate KyoAni’s beautiful artwork with a rather simple story to accompany it.

I: “The Last of their Kind”

Kuriyama Mirai; the last of her clan

“Kyoukai no Kanata” mainly follows two very special people…
A girl from a clan of Legendary clan of Spirit Warriors, Kuriyama Mirai
and a boy, Kanbara Akihito, that’s half-human and half…

From the get-go, the two of them did not get along that well. Apart from the more obvious reason of one being a hunter, and the other the usual hunted; Mirai having always carried the burden of sin did long past, felt that she was someone no one should associate with. She saw herself as nothing more than a monster.
Little did she know at the time, she wasn’t the only one that was a monster…

“Do I look like a normal person to you?”

Despite being two very different people, from two very different backgrounds…
They’re not all that different after all.

II: “How unpleasant” 

Don’t let the header fool you.

This has to be the most relaxing part of the series; we not only see Mirai’s growth as a Spirit Hunter but as a young girl as well. 

We see her slowly break out of her old shell, and start embracing things she initially wouldn’t have. 

It’s only when we come to learn how pleasant her “unpleasant” really mean.

III: “The lull”

When only half of you is human, can you still be considered as one ??
To what lengths will you go to preserve your human side ??

During this period, half of Akihito’s self is weakened…
However, despite being weakened, the part that won gave everyone a choice to make.

With that, Mirai had to make a choice… Either fulfil her duty as a Spirit Warrior or duty to her heart~

IV: “Beyond the Boundary” 

Would you be willing to go beyond every known boundary possible, to the point of crossing Beyond the Horizon…
If it means you can fulfil the duty which you know and feel is right ??

“That is why I will fly”

Just like her name, without “Mirai” there was no future for Akihito~

Do whatever it takes to have someone called your “future” to stand by your side again.

In the end, all’s well that end’s well~
Or is it simple…


The OP and ED songs both perfectly capture what Mirai and Akihito are going through.

With the OP, the song paints how, despite being initially alone and an outcast, Mirai and Akihito eventually learn that they can trust and rely on each other for support. It’s through that support that we see their relationship blossom.

The ED, on the other hand, while a bit more on the sombre side, paints a very close picture to the OP. However, it focuses a lot more on Mirai’s point of view. This is also shown as, throughout the ending scene, we see Mirai with her hand stretched out into the horizon…
Until she met her senpai – Akihito. It was only then, she finally lowered her hand, while doing so, she gave a lovely smile; one full of joy and love.

Some interesting/bitter sweet points from the series~

  • You are not alone
    Throughout the series, our cast continually isolates themselves from the rest of the world either due to their past or the status they carry.
    But sometimes, being alone makes you see and appreciates things you wouldn’t otherwise have. 
    From knowing how it feels like to be alone, one would only want to help others to not go through that same feeling.
    Despite initially being together out of necessity, our cast eventually form a deep and loving bond through the common ground of being loners and outcasts from “normal” human society.
“Lonely Together”
  • How ugly humans can be
    “Dreams mark the way to the underworld. and we call the darkness that lies within them “dreamshades”; masses of human resentment brought to life by the twisted human heart and all of its hatred, envy, and aggression. Dreamshades will continue to exist as long as humans do.”

    Throughout the series, we see Spirit Hunters go after Yomu (Dreamshades), to help rid the world of the malice that has built up from humans.
    It was great of them to show how humans aren’t always all pure and perfect as we perceive them to be, but instead are just a big walking mass of ugly darkness. Despite being full of ugly darkness out there, there are people that are always trying to help make the world a better place
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming
    Every episode title is a colour that takes prominence somewhere in the episode.
  • The double meaning title
    Kyoukai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary)” can also be translated to “The one who waits beyond the horizon”, referring to the central theme of being an outcast in society. 
    It also refers to the yomu, and the central antagonist of the show: literally called Beyond the Boundary.

TLDR: In summary~

This series follow a girl from a cursed clan of Spirit Hunters.
Despite being seen as cursed by the rest of the world, she is actually more blessed than she realizes~

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